

Evyrgreen AI Business Development Circle

Welcome to Evyrgreen AI’s transformative monthly mastermind focusing on leveraging Artificial Intelligence!

The Evyrgreen AI Business Development Circle is your gateway to mastering AI-driven strategies, tools, and insights, designed to help you stay ahead in the dynamic business landscape.

Here's what you get

with the Evyrgreen AI
Business Development Circle


Monthly Mastermind Sessions

  • We meet the third Monday of every month at 2pm ET.
  • Attendees engage in insightful, 3-hour monthly sessions.
  • Missed sessions can be revisited through replays available within 48 hours post-session, and available as long as your subscription remains active and current.

Diverse Learning Spectrum

  • Learn to create AI-driven content, images, videos, transcriptions, and conduct comprehensive research.
  • Dive deep into data analysis, voice cloning, AI avatars, and innovative AI tools.
  • Discover opportunities for marketing in various languages, for varied skill levels.

Inclusive Community

  • A supportive Slack community to foster connections, ask questions, and share knowledge.
  • A nurturing environment where inquiries about AI are encouraged, and collaborative learning is promoted.

Tool Vault

  • Exclusive access to training on a diverse range of AI tools covered during the sessions.
  • Direct support through email for any additional assistance needed.
  • Learn how to use the AI LinkedIn assistant, evyAI

Evyrgreen AI Course

  • Evyrgreen AI teaches you the step-by-step process to leverage AI for your business.
  • Including: frameworks, checklists, cheat sheets, & prompts that teach you how to brainstorm, research, strategize, summarize content, create social media content, leverage emails, & use creativity in a professional way.

Sample Monthly Mastermind Session

What’s included?

Pre-Recorded Videos


AI Professional Community

AI Prompts and Worksheets

Email Support


Cheat Sheets


Pre-Recorded Videos


AI Professional Community

AI Prompts and Worksheets

Email Support


Cheat Sheets


About the Evyrgreen AI
Business Development Circle

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping the business terrain, offering the means to catapult business development as well as sales and marketing endeavors to unparalleled heights. The problem is that harnessing its power effectively remains a mystery to many.

While access to AI tools is widely available, the mastery to exploit these cutting-edge tools to catalyze business development is scarce. Tools are also popping out of the woodwork everyday and that is creating a sense of overwhelm. 

The Evyrgreen AI Business Development Circle illuminates the pathway to leveraging AI for business growth. It embraces an array of domains including brainstorming, extensive research, ingenious strategy formation, content summarization, social media content creation, email utilization, and infusing creativity in professional endeavors.

This mastermind is not merely about using AI tools; it’s about cultivating quality input to ensure the premium output you receive isn’t just data but transformed, actionable intelligence. Remember: Quality in, Quality out.

Whether you are a beginner or seasoned professional, our program empowers you to utilize AI to its fullest potential and ensuring you stay ahead in the competitive business environment.

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Why Learn Artificial Intelligence with the
Evyrgreen AI Business Development Circle?


Improve efficiency & productivity

Save time by embracing AI in business development, sales, and marketing with the mastermind. Together, we’ll learn the art of communicating with AI, automating tasks, saving time, and channeling resources into other avenues to grow your business.


Forge More Informed Decisions

AI allows you to discover enriched, data-backed insights. Our mastermind teaches you to leverage AI to create informed decisions, fostering an environment of clarity and strategic growth that will get you results in your role.


Stay Ahead with a Competitive Advantage

In the world of AI there is constant evolution. Staying abreast of emerging trends and breakthrough technologies, arms your business with a competitive advantage. You will no longer fear AI, instead you will make it a powerful tool in your tool belt.

Who is the AI Business Development Circle for?

The Evyrgreen AI Business Development Circle is crafted for professionals immersed in the realm of business development, sales, and marketing seeking to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence to amplify their skills and bolster their efficacy in their respective roles.

The curriculum is diverse, encompassing a plethora of topics and methodologies, catering to professionals spanning various industries and domains.

  • Business Development Professionals
  • Sales Representatives
  • Marketing Leaders
  • CEO and Entrepreneurs
  • Business Owners
  • Lawyers, Accountants, Doctors
  • Financial Advisors
  • Real Estate Brokers
  • Marketing Consultants
  • Business Coaches
  • Professionals that want to communicate better
  • Anyone That Needs More Clients!
Nadine Cino

“As our guide through the realms of opportunity in AI, Joe, you are astonishing in the way you adapt the tools to help us solve everyday problems.”

That’s what I love; that’s what I’m here for. As I learn from you and apply it in my own ways, I’m finding I’m solving many more business problems than I ever could have imagined with AI, and it’s saving me time and helping me make money faster.

Nadine Cino

CEO and Founder of TygaSmart

“So many things that can be done with AI!”

Right now I’ve got 250 podcasts that I can put through Opus to make clips for me. My goodness, that’s astounding.

Will Crist

Certified EOS Implementer of EOS Worldwide
Will Crist
Steve Gard

“You’re an amazing mentor about AI.”

I’ve got four pages of notes, and every note here has something different, like gamma and persona and so on. There’s a lot to learn and understand, but what I really like is reviewing the meeting recording afterward. I pause the video and can actually adopt the techniques and use the tools. I appreciate it, Joe. Great work.

Steve Gard

Business Networking Consultant of Network In Action

“I learned years ago, you never want to be the smartest person in the room…”

you just want to hang out with them. And through my business, I’ve got seven or eight people, members of what I call my posse. You’re one of them! You’re right at the top! People that I learn from continually. And I swipe and deploy and this has helped me dramatically in my business. The one thing that I will say is your question about AI support has resulted in meaningful assignments, keeping me engaged for five to six hours each week. Thank you.

Jon Keel

Founder and CEO of Improved Together, LLC
Jon Keel
Rick Kloete

“What I took away has been great..”

and I really enjoy that you are not just teaching what AI does, you’re helping us bridge the gap between how to apply it in our businesses and get real results. And nobody else is doing it the way you’re doing it. You know, Alex Armozi, one of our joint mentors and heroes, he’s all about paying other people for their experiences. I don’t have enough time in my life to learn what you’ve already learned, thank you for sharing it with us and breaking it down in a very simple, easy to understand way. Thank you, it’s working! I love it!

Rick Kloete

President of Kloete Group, Inc

“I’m truly grateful for the way you break down complex concepts…”

not just demonstrating but explaining the ‘why’ and ‘how.’ Today’s revelation about testimonials and the Opus has left me in awe; it’s a complete game-changer. Your ability to showcase possibilities I didn’t know existed is truly amazing. Like others, I’m overwhelmed by the mentorship and learning experience – my head is exploding. Your teaching style is unparalleled; you don’t just tell us, but you show us in real life and generously provide the tools. It’s a genuine game-changer, and I can’t express enough thanks for your impactful and comprehensive approach to teaching. Simply put, thank you. There aren’t enough words.

Rhonda Sher

LinkedIn Consultant, Coach, Speaker and Trainer
Rhonda Sher

Frequently Asked Questions about the Evyrgreen AI Business Development Circle

Learning AI in business development is pivotal for modern professionals. It aids in optimizing and automating processes, enabling enhanced productivity, and insightful data analysis, leading to smarter strategies and business growth. It’s invaluable for creating content, personalizing customer experiences, and staying ahead in the competitive business landscape.

The Evyrgreen AI Business Development Circle does not include subscriptions to AI tools. However, tools shared during sessions often have limited free access, premium upgrades, or generous free trials. These free trials allow you to explore and utilize various AI tools.

Joining the Evyrgreen AI Business Development Circle gives you access to:

  • Monthly 3-hour mastermind sessions focusing on AI-driven strategies and tools. (We meet the third Monday of every month at 2pm ET.)
  • An inclusive, supportive Slack community for collaborative learning.
  • Exclusive access to training on AI tools and direct email support for any additional assistance needed.
  • Insightful replays available as soon as 48 hours post-session for those who miss a live session. Replays available as long as your subscription is active.

The mastermind provides live, virtual 3-hour sessions once a month. Attendance to live sessions is recommended for maximal learning and interaction. However, replays are available as soon as 48 hours post-session for those who miss them.

The investment for the program is $247 a month. However, the first 50 members can access it for $197 a month with an annual agreement. This investment is a commitment to mastering AI-driven business development strategies, unlocking extensive learning, and applying AI in your day-to-day work.

Yes, customized workshops can potentially be arranged to meet the specific needs of your team in learning and applying AI tools and strategies effectively in business development.

If you attend the first session and you realize this program is not for you, notify us within 48 hours and we will give you a full refund.

Start-up CEOs, sales & marketing professionals, and small business marketing directors eager to amplify their AI knowledge to propel business growth. The program caters to various skill levels, offering a knowledge-rich environment for all professionals to explore and apply AI tools and strategies effectively.

Ready to elevate your business with the Evyrgreen AI Business Development Circle?